Identify the key principles of liberation leadership and how it can be used to support difficult conversations.
Demonstrate the ability to approach challenging situations by calling people up to a higher standard rather than calling them out for negative behavior.
Understand the importance of going to the source of conflict rather than using 3rd parties to vent and how to do so effectively to avoid drama and gossip.
Differentiate between inhibition and prohibition and recognize how inhibitions can act as a self-limiting belief that affects communication.
Utilize root cause analysis, prepare supporting data, and achieve emotional clarity when preparing for difficult conversations.
Set reasonable expectations for difficult conversations and understand how to balance the needs of all parties involved.
Apply effective communication strategies during difficult conversations, such as choosing the appropriate medium, dealing with resistant individuals, navigating self-preservation in the other person, and using questions to break down barriers.
Practice using the CORE process (Call, Own, Respond, Execute) to execute difficult conversations in a way that supports the highest possible good for all parties involved.